How to Make The Perfect Cappuccino Right In the Comfort Of your Home

Cappuccino is arguably the most ordered variety of coffee drink, as it is as perfect when served hot as it is when done Frappe style. It has become the coffee lover’s version of comfort food; a treat that will surely leave one yearning for home and other pleasant things in life. The feeling of thick milk froth in your lips even adds to the pleasure drinking this coffee. However, a quality cup of cappuccino has earned the undeserving reputation of being the most difficult to prepare, which was somehow made easy by the massive mixing and steaming machines only found in coffee shops. If you just woke up, and suddenly yearn for the rich and grand taste of cappuccino, this piece is for you. Serving and whipping up a nice cup is easier than you could ever have imagined.


The things you will need to prepare two cups café-quality cappuccino are:

  • 1 cup of milk

The 2% or Skimmed variety are the easiest to froth. On the other hand, whole milk is the most difficult, but it gives off a more full-bodied and sugary flavor.

  • Whisk, or an Electric Mixer
  • 2 tablespoons, ground coffee of your choice

If you have an espresso machine, brew one shot.


  1. While waiting for the coffee to brew, heat the milk in a saucepan. Just like in latte, you may choose to put the milk in an airtight container, shake it, and microwave it for one minute. However, the milk will be even more flavorful in the first method. To do this, heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until the milk is nearly boiling.
  2. Get your cup warmed up with hot water. When the coffee is done, remove the water, pour freshly brewed coffee, and carefully pour one-fourth of the hot milk  on top of coffee.  Set aside the remaining milk for the froth
  3. Next, using a whisk or an electric mixer, whip the milk, gradually increasing speed as it starts to thicken. Continue to whip until the the milk becomes the thick and creamy texture you crave for.
  4. Lastly, prepare the cappuccino. The most accepted ratio is 1/3 cup coffee or espresso, a third cup of steamed milk, and a cup of milk foam. For an added flair, dust the top with cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles, or any other sweet ingredients you prefer.

In just four simple steps, you will be able to indulge a cupful of cappuccino without even leaving the warmth and comfortable confines of your own home. With just a handful of fine ground coffee beans, milk, and a whisk, you won’t even need to break a dime to experience mouthful of delight found in a single cup.

PS: Dont forget to have a good milk frother in order to get a good quality cappuccino. Find out which to buy on that website :

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